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InsurTalk: Robots are coming – how to save the underwriter from extinction? with Artur Niemczewski, NED at CII

InsurTalk: Robots are coming – how to save the underwriter from extinction? with Artur Niemczewski, NED at CII

Artur Niemczewski

Artur Niemczewski

NED at Chartered Insurance Institute

Ewa Banaś

Ewa Banaś

Insurance Marketing Manager at Future Processing

Contact me

February 2017, insurance press is swarmed with predictions based on Carl Frey’s study that robots are coming and “topping the list of jobs at risk of being automated are insurance underwriters, with a 98.9% probability of being replaced by robots”. 6 years have passed and here we are, World Economic Forum marks Insurance underwriters as those who are “most likely to benefit from AI augmentation – 100% of their tasks have the potential to be augmented, the Jobs of Tomorrow report says”.

Together with my guest, Artur Niemczewski, Non-Executive Director at Chartered Insurance Institute, we discuss how the job of underwriter went from endangered to potentially 100% AI augmented in 6 years. And this time, we have a mystery guest as well…


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Ewa Banaś

Ewa Banaś

Marketing Manager - Insurance at Future Processing

Anna Mleczko

Anna Mleczko

Relationship Manager at Future Processing

Paul Blowers

Paul Blowers

Commercial Director at Future Processing